I finished classes at the Yeshiva several weeks ago and had about a day to collect my thoughts and finish last minute things before I went to the United States for USY International Convention in Chicago. Judah and I left for IC on Christmas Eve at 5:30am and flew through Italy which eventually got us to Chicago around 2:30 in the afternoon the same day in Chicago. It is amazing how travel and time zones work. Leave one day and arrive in a different continent the same day. I spent Thursday through the following Thursday in Chicago for USY International Convention. It was full of lots of work, little sleep, lots of USYers and an amazing closing to an incredible USY career. I must say that it was probably one of the best functions I have ever been to and have ever had the privilege of helping with the planning of. I was joined at convention by my entire family which was very nice. They were all there specially for my speech, which will be posted on the blog soon. It was great to have everyone there. If you want to see pictures from convention, go to www.usy.org and click on International Convention. I will also post a few pictures within the blog.
I went home to KC for New Years and Shabbat so I could see my friends and just relax after probably the busiest week I have had in a long time. It was great to see my friends and be able to spend some time with them. I relaxed over Shabbat and packed my stuff up again to head back to Israel on Sunday morning. I flew from Kansas City to Chicago to Rome to Israel. It was a long and exhausting trip. I arrived safely back in Israel on Monday afternoon and resettled into my room at Beit Nativ. It turns out my bed had been rented out to many people while I was gone. I am glad that my hospitality was graciously accepted to others.
Now that I am back in Israel it is time to transition. This week has been devoted to packing up Beit Nativ and preparing for the next stage of Nativ. We have to be totally packed up and out of our rooms come Sunday. On Sunday we will start out nearly week long Israel Experience week. Israel Experience week consists of three options for us to choose from; Gadna(basic Israeli Military training),Archeological Digging, and Volunteering/Community Service in Haifa. I am choosing to go to Haifa and do community service and volunteer for the week. I have never really spent a lot of time in Haifa before, so I am very excited for that. On Thursday of next week we begin our Winter Break that lasts for about two weeks. Plans for Winter Break are still in the works and will hopefully be finalized by Motzei Shabbat.
When break is over we will be having a Israel Today seminar, which hasn't been explain in large detail, which includes sessions about Israeli Culture, politics, visiting museums, learning about the ecology of Israel and other Israel related topics. It should be a fun few days of Israel learning. After Israel Today seminar we have a souther tiyul for a week that will be full of hiking, warm weather, beaches, and even water sports. The conclusion of the souther tiyul will lead us to our new home of Yerucham and will end our time with our friends on the Kibbutz track.
Lots in store for the next few weeks. Now for some pictures from IC and Israel and everything in between.

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