Shabbat/Shmeini Atzeret/Simchat Torah(October 9 and 10, 2009)
The culmination of the Jewish Holidays in Israel couldn't have ended in a better way then it did. In Israel we only celebrate one day of Yom Tov for holidays, whereas everywhere besides Israel celebrates two days, so Friday and Saturday were a very long Yom Tov. We started the Chag by going to shul at Kol Rina which is a very small shul in a bomb shelter in Nachlaot. We got there and we did Kabbalat Shabbat and Marriv and after Maariv we introduced the Holiday of Simchat Torah. It is customary on Simchat Torah to dance with the Torah for seven Hakafot, processionals. So we did just that. It took about 45 minutes to start the first one because the Rabbi of the shul kept trying auction off the first and the sixth Hakafot to people for large sums of Sheckels, upwards of 2,000. It was very frustrating and people started to leave but we all decided to stick it out for a bit longer and then we finally started dancing. Dinner at base was called for 7:30pm and we left Kol Rina at about 7:15 and they weren't even on the third Hakafah yet, so I can only imagine how late they went. After dinner all of Nativ gathered for the weekly Nativ-a-Tisch and we sang and ate and then I called it a night cause I was dead.
Saturday morning a bunch of us got up early and headed to Shira Hadashah for Shmeni Atzeret and Simchat Torah davening. We had been told that it would be the longest davening of the year with the exception of Yom Kippur. The reason for it being this long was because it was two holidays into one davening and they had to get a lot in. Shul started at 8 and I was there from 8 to about 2ish. It was a long yet joyous davening. The Hakafot this time around started on time and went for about an hour and a half. It was great singing and dancing and I got to hold a Torah for a little bit which is always nice. After we did the Hakafot we prepared for the completion of the Torah as well as the starting of the Torah. For the completion of the Torah they set up 7 stations throughout the building and had people go to a station in order that everyone at shul would take an aliyah. It was a very creative system that I had never seen before. After everyone in all 7 stations had aliyot we all came back together for the reading of the Torah for the Chag and Shabbat as well as the completion of the Torah and the starting of the Torah. It was a great service and probably one my most enjoyable services I have been to in Israel thus far.
After davening we went back to base for lunch and a little nap, but that didn't really happen cause once again Shabbat ends so early in Israel right now that by the time you finish lunch it is nearly time to say Mincha and then end Shabbat. So we did just that, ate, Mincha, and then Maariv. After we all davened Maariv we had dinner at base and then everyone went and got ready and dressed for Hakafot Shniyot. Hakafot Shniyot are the second set of Hakafot done in Gan HaPaamon, Liberty Bell Park, after the Chag is over. The Hakafot are full of singing, dancing, live music, food, and different activities for kids. We as Nativ decided we would take over the basketball court that we normally play on for the NBA(Nativ Basketball Association) and we would sing and dance like crazy teenage American Jews that we are. It was a great time. Those of us who were doing MADA left early because we had a study session for our Mid Term first thing on Sunday Morning. After I studied I crashed in bed cause I was exhausted which happens to be a recurring theme for the rest of the week. Now for pictures of Hakafot Shniyot.

A tower of Seffi, Seth, Aly and myself at Hakafot Shniyot

Me on the shoulders of the Great Seth Lerman

Me and Seth being ourselves
Sunday to Thursday (October 11-15,2009)
Everyday this week we had Magen David Adom from about 9 in the morning to about 7ish at night. It was a very intensive week filled with different medical terminologies, diagnosis's, procedures, and most importantly demonstrations and practice. No one ever said that the training for Magen David Adom would be easy and it certainly wasn't. Lets fast forward to Wednesday. We are all ready for our final. The final was split up into two parts. The first part would be a written test with multiple choice questions, short answers, true/false, and vocabulary. Along with the written test was test that had about 30ish phrases/commands/questions in Hebrew that we would have to translate into English. The second test was the practical test. The practical test had four parts; adult CPR, baby CPR, back boarding and PHTLS which stands for Pre Hospital Trauma Life Support which are the procedures that you do when you arrive at a trauma patient. After lots of studying and test taking I passed the tests and felt so accomplished. I was officially a First Responder for Magen David Adom. I would know have the chance to volunteer in Jerusalem a few days a week as well as during the second semester in Yerucham. On Thursday morning we had a tour of the Jerusalem MADA station as well as a walk through and demonstration of the ambulance that we would be working on. Now for some pictures...

I promise I am not a terrorist!!!

Me all bandaged up. Look no bleeding and no feeling!!

The Nativ MADA class on the Ambulance!!!

Digging for Gold!!!
So now that MADA training is all over I am able to just reflect on the experiences and the lessons learned and I can finally get some needed R&R. This Shabbat I am staying on base and plan to just sleep as much as possible and I am so excited. I think this has been a long enough post for now. I will add a few funny pictures for a cheery on top.
Shabbat Shalom,

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