As I mentioned in my last post, Shabbat was going to be full of Rabbinical Students. On Friday night I went to shul at Moreshet Yisrael, the shul next to base, where I was honored with hearing Rabbi Brad Artson, the Dean of the Rabbinical School at the American Jewish University. It was my kind of speech; short, sweet, and to the point. After shul, I went with a bunch of the Reb Students from AJU to lunch at one of their houses. It was a nice lunch with good food, good company, and plenty of 90's pop culture references. People don't understand how I am so well versed in the 90's pop culutre, and then when I tell them that I have two older brothers and some of the things that we do/did together growing up they put it all together.
After lunch, I came back to base and read a little and then went to Mincha, Seudat Shilshit and Maariv to end Shabbat. At nigth, Judah and I were invited to a Malavah Malkah, a extension of Shabbat after Shabbat, at a different Reb Students house. Rabbi Artson taught at the Malavah Malkah and their was food and it was just an opportunity for people to be together and celebrate the ending of Shabbat. After the Melavah Malkah, Judah and I went back to base and I watched a movie on my computer with a few people and called it a night.
Sunday October 25,2009
Today was the same as every other day at the Yeshiva. I had Talmud in the morning and then Pirkei Avot followed by Tanach. The excitement was what happened at night. MASA is an organization that helps Jews from the age of 18-35 get to Israel on different types of programs. Nativ is a program affiliated with MASA. Sunday night MASA held its annual concert for all particpants on MASA Programs. The concert was held at Binyanei HaUmah, which is a beautiful theater directly across the street from the Central Bus Station of Jerusalem. The special performer at the concert was none other then the Idan Raichel Project. The Idan Raichel Project is a group comprised of musicans from all across the world who have different styles of music to create one amazing band. I had never seen them before but I had always been told that they know how to put on a show and they most certainly did. He started out very chill and calming with everyone sitting in their seats. After four songs he starts his fast paced songs and his songs that people get out of their seats and go crazy for. And we did exactly that. I have 4 favorite songs that he plays and it was nice because he played 3 of the four songs; Mimamakim,Brong Fraye,Bo'ee, but he did not play Im Telech, which happens to be my favorite of his songs. It was an incredible concert that I will never forget and I can't wait to go and see him again when he comes back to Jerusalem.
After such an amazing concert it was time to get on a bus and head back to base and reflect on the night as well has listen to his music on my IPod as I fell asleep.
What a great night. Now for pictures.

Until next time.....
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