This week was a good and typical week as far as Yerucham is concerned. I worked everyday teaching English at school. On Monday afternoon I went to work two shifts at MADA. I worked from 3pm to 11pm with no calls and then at 11:15pm we got a call for a transport of a 30 year old woman who was pregnant who was suffering from bleeding so we took her to the hospital. We made it back to the station around 1:15am and I was in bed by around 1:30am to be later woken up at 4:30 for a transport of a man who had so called "chest pains." The two other medics I was working with and I all thought it was a bogus case but we took him none the less. We returned around 6am to the station and I really didn't go back to sleep.
Tuesday morning was Yom Nativ and we spent the majority of the morning cleaning up the Shul that we all go to and started making head way on a beautiful new garden. It needs a lot of work but it should be quite the garden when finished. We spent the rest of the morning and beginning half of the afternoon doing other activities and finally finished Yom Nativ around 3ish. For the rest of the afternoon I just hung around the apartment and hung out with some people. I went to bed at 9pm that night cause I had been up since 4:30am.
Wednesday was a normal day of English teaching and that night I went to my host family with Ilana and we were invited to the daughters Bat Mitzvah which is next week. They Bat Mitzvah is going to be at the top of Masada. I am not sure if either of us will be able to go, but it was a great idea for a Bat Mitzvah and a very thoughtful thought to invite us. Thursday I taught in the morning and then did the grocery shopping for dinner that night of Baked Ziti and the shopping for Shabbat afternoon where I will be hosting 10 people. Baked Ziti turned out really well and the apartment loved it. And as I am typing this I am waiting for my chicken to be down so I can turn the pan to the opposite side. Our stove isn't the best in the world and it will take me a few makes to figure out how it works. I am excited to host Shabbat lunch and just to have people over since we just redid the living room with brand new couches that were donated to us. Shabbat should be great. Last night I worked from 11pm to 7am at MADA and got one call around 11:30ish. It was a transport from Mizpe Ramon to Beer Sheva of a 18 year old Russian immigrant who also had bleeding during her 3 and 1/2 month of pregnancy. She and her "male" counterpart didn't really speak so much Hebrew so I tried to talk to them in English and it worked for a bit but after a few things I was trying to ask them they just stopped answering. Luckily when we got to the hospital, a woman who was cleaning spoke Russian and she was able to help. We got back to the station around 1ish and then I was in bed til 7am this morning.
So this week was pretty good minus the heat. I am really looking forward to Shabbat. Shul then dinner at my host family. Shul in the morning and then lunch at my place. It should be a nice and relaxing Shabbat.
Shabbat Shalom to all and Refuah Shelema to Sarah bat Basha.

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