Sunday, September 13, 2009

Using an Elephant as a Sukkah? (09/13/09)

I know at first glance the title of today’s blog is slightly odd, but let me explain. Today was a busy day at the Yeshiva. This morning we had Talmud for 4 hours. For 2 and 1/2 of the hours we were learning one on one. My Chevruta, my learning partner, and I were discussing the different possibilities of animals and other objects that can be used for walls of a Sukkah. We came across a case where it was acceptable to use an elephant as a wall for the Sukkah. I thought to myself that this would be quite the scene in the States. Thankfully, in Israel we don’t have to worry about using animals as Sukkot because we have walls made out of wood.

Anyways, today was a great day at the Yeshiva. We learned a lot this morning and are making progress through the sections dealing with Sukkot. After Talmud class this morning I had Pirkei Avot for the first time. It was a great discussion and I was able to contribute to the discussion based on some of the things I learned in one of my independent studies during senior year. After Pirkei Avot I had one of my favorite classes of Adcanced Tanach with Commentaries with the sweetest woman ever. It was another great learning session where we continued our discussion of the 3rd chapter of the Book of Jonah. This concluded a great day at the Yeshiva and a great week ahead to come leading into Rosh Hashanah.

Tonight I had the amazing opportunity to take part in an ritual that is special for Israeli Soliders. I went with some people to the Kotel tonight for the induction ceremony for one of the units of the Israeli Army, the Nahal Unit. The Nahal Unit which is an Hebrew accronym for Noar Halutzi Lohem, which literally translates to Fighting Pioneer Youth. It is an infantry division in the IDF. It was a very moving ceremony. We got to the Kotel as it was starting and about halfway thorugh the ceremony we decided to go and daven Maariv at the Kotel. As we were finishing davening Maariv they started to play HaTikvah, the Israeli National Anthem, over the speaker system. I got so emotional as this was going on because everyone there was silent and at attention to honor and give thanks to the State of Israel. It was also incredible to see the soldiers at attention as they were recently inducted into the Nahal Unit. It is certainly an event that I will remember for a long time.

After the induction ceremony, we headed back to Beit Nativ and a bunch of us are on our computers following the opening day of the new football season. My boys in Red were down at half time and now they have just come back to tie it at 17 with 10 minutes to go in the fourth. I actually just spoke to soon; they are now down 24-17. I guess something’s just never change with the Chiefs. Oh well...

Anyways I think that is it for tonight. Stay tuned for more blogging and a special for Rosh Hashanah later this week.

Ad Macher/Until Tomorrow

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